Best of 2020

Never been so happy to put a year behind me. I won’t bore you with details of my pandemic year. Let’s just say I didn’t do much and worked a lot.

Didn’t take as many photos in 2020 has I have in years past. In 2020, I took about 36,000 photos. That is down by over 50%. In 2019, I took 80,000 photos, 73,000 in 2017 and 43,000 in 2017 and 2016.

My 2020 photography plans were upset. I planned to start doing some college basketball. I also planned to upgrade my equipment. Both put on hold.

One good thing is that this year gave me a chance to concentrate on some non-sports photography. I want to do some architecture photography, so I started in on that.

I got a 50mm f1.8 lens. It has been fun learning how to use that.

In picking out my favorites from 2020, I realized that processing on my phone and immediately posting to Instragram has become a much bigger part of what I do. One can see those photos here. The mobile processed photos don’t seem to make it to the file management system. I am gonna have to fix that.

I went through my photos and picked out the ones I liked. So here are my favorite photos of 2020. Interesting collection. None that I would say are among my best ever but I like each one for a variety of reasons. I hope you do too.

footnote: My “best of photos” previously included a photo of Bridget Gainer making the peace. That photo was actually taken by a great photographer Steve Gross. We were both shooting the 47th Ward Democrats event in early 2020. Somehow Steven’s photo ended up in my file system. It was probably because I was posting his photos which he graciously donated to the 47th Ward Democrats. So I apologize to Steven. We should all learn a lesson to watermark photos like Steven does or idiots like me can claim them. I have learned a great deal from Steven. I am so thankful that have just had the good fortune just to be around him. His photos are so simple and elegant. He did a portrait of me which I love. Sorry.